
Putting – Pace


Putting – Pace download progresses aim and start point into controlling pace on the greens for all levels of golfer from club player to professional at the click of a button.

The download will walk through guided techniques and practice drills to help improve distance control from 10ft out to 40ft and beyond.

Putting benchmark data and a controlling pace practice drill/game are other great features of this download. It provides a benchmark level of performance to measure yourself, setting targets in your own practice on the greens.

Categories: , Product ID: 2340


Putting – Pace download progresses aim and start point into controlling pace on the greens for all levels of golfer from club player to professional at the click of a button.

The download will walk through guided techniques and practice drills to help improve distance control from 10ft out to 40ft and beyond.

Putting benchmark data and a controlling pace practice drill/game are other great features of this download. It provides a benchmark level of performance to measure yourself, setting targets in your own practice on the greens.